Now showing items 73-92 of 533

      Epirus state society in the first half of the 13th century [1]
      Ever Ready Throne: Reassessing the Role of Hetoimasia in the Church of the Virgin Eleousa in Veljusa [1]
      Family Patrimony and the Legacy of the First-Born Son. Some Examples From European Monarchies in the 11th–12th Centuries / Породична баштина и наслеђе прворођеног сина. Примери из европских монархија у XI–XII веку [1]
      From Printed to Handwritten Book: A Copy of the Printed Goražde Prayer Book in the Manuscript of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate №32 [1]
      Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou, ed., Ἡ πρόσληψη τῆς ἀρχαιότητας στὸ Βυζάντιο, κυρίως κατὰ τοὺς παλαιολόγειους χρόνους [The Reception of Antiquity in Byzantium, with Emphasis on the Palaeologan Era]. Athens: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, 2014. [1]
      Georgios Sphrantzes or how to become an archon in Byzantium in the XV century [1]
      Grand Župan Stefan Nemanjić – the Metochion in Hvosno [1]
      Hegoumenos’ baton of Hilandar monastery [1]
      Héritagesde Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est à l’époque moderne et contemporaine, eds. Olivier Delouis, Anne Couderc & Petre Guran. Athens: École française d’Athènes, 2013, 522 p. [1]
      Higher and Lower Ranks in the Theme System: Examples of Disruption of the Hierarchical Order [1]
      Holy Mounatain Monasteries [1]
      I Dioscuri nell'arte funeraria : insolito frammento della stele da Viminacium [1]
      I hear you have a noble horse – Manuel II Palaiologos’ letter no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras [1]
      Icona votiva di re Stefano Uroš III Dečanski, San Nicola [1]
      Identitet u nevolji: Odisej u očima drugih / Identity in Trouble: Odysseus in the Eyes of Others [1]
      Ieromonachos Doroteus – Hegumenos of Hilandar Monastery (1355–1360) and Prot of Athos (1356–1366) [1]
      Illegal Traffic: The Case of the Translatio of St. Nicholas in Bari [1]
      Illuminating touch: Post-resurrection scenes on the diptych from the Hilandar monastery [1]
      Image of the Patron Saint in the Sanctuary of Markov Manastir [1]
      Inscriptiones historicae in picturis muralibus saeculorum XII–XIII [1]