Now showing items 64-83 of 533

      Die Despoten in Byzanz und den südslavischen Ländern [1]
      Diverse Legal Significance of a Document in Byzantine Private Law / К вопросу о разнице правового значения документа в византийском частном праве [1]
      Document Serving the Conclusion of a Contract and Conveyance of a Right: Interweaving of the Roman and Greek Legal Traditions in Byzantine Private Law [1]
      Dokument u službi zaključenja ugovora i prenosa prava: preplitanje rimske i grčke pravne tradicije u vizantijskom privatnom pravu [1]
      Early South Slavic Ethnonyms and the Issue of Origin and Genesis of the South Slavic Tribes [1]
      Elements of Late Roman military and administrative organization in the Byzantine theme system [1]
      Emperor’s Daughter in Love with a Prisoner: Comparing the Stories of Scylitzes and Anonymus Presbyter Diocleae [1]
      Encountering Presence: Icon/Relic/Viewer [1]
      Entering of Stefan Dušan into the Empire [1]
      Epirus state society in the first half of the 13th century [1]
      Ever Ready Throne: Reassessing the Role of Hetoimasia in the Church of the Virgin Eleousa in Veljusa [1]
      Family Patrimony and the Legacy of the First-Born Son. Some Examples From European Monarchies in the 11th–12th Centuries / Породична баштина и наслеђе прворођеног сина. Примери из европских монархија у XI–XII веку [1]
      From Printed to Handwritten Book: A Copy of the Printed Goražde Prayer Book in the Manuscript of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate №32 [1]
      Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou, ed., Ἡ πρόσληψη τῆς ἀρχαιότητας στὸ Βυζάντιο, κυρίως κατὰ τοὺς παλαιολόγειους χρόνους [The Reception of Antiquity in Byzantium, with Emphasis on the Palaeologan Era]. Athens: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, 2014. [1]
      Georgios Sphrantzes or how to become an archon in Byzantium in the XV century [1]
      Grand Župan Stefan Nemanjić – the Metochion in Hvosno [1]
      Hegoumenos’ baton of Hilandar monastery [1]
      Héritagesde Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est à l’époque moderne et contemporaine, eds. Olivier Delouis, Anne Couderc & Petre Guran. Athens: École française d’Athènes, 2013, 522 p. [1]
      Higher and Lower Ranks in the Theme System: Examples of Disruption of the Hierarchical Order [1]
      Holy Mounatain Monasteries [1]