Prikaz rezultata 223-242 od 2590

      Butcher shop [1]
      Byzantine emperor and frescoes in Mileševa narthex [1]
      Byzantine Philosophy in Medieval Serbia [1]
      Bоgоmilisme dans les Balkans et l’Asie Mineure II. Bоgоmilisme dans l’оrient оrthоdоxe [1]
      C.I. Christian: Singeroasa destramare - Iugoslavia (Krvavo razbijanje Jugoslavije), Editura 'Sylvi', Bucuresti, 1994 [1]
      Campaign of the Independent State of Croatia for the International Recognition of the Croatian Orthodox Church 1942–1944 [1]
      Car registration office [1]
      Carrying Their Native Land and Their New Home in Their Hearts Mihailo Pupin and Bishop Nikolai of Žiča between Their Native and Adopted Country [1]
      Caspar Luyken's Illustrated Bible among the Serbs and Bulgarians in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries [1]
      Cataloguing of the collection of photographs of medieval monuments of the National museum in Belgrade: history and problematics [1]
      Cathedral church of St. Peter the Great: а contribution to its dating [1]
      Catherine Merridale, Lenin on the Train. London: Penguin Books, 2016, 353 p. [1]
      Catherine Vanderheyde, La sculpture byzantine du IXe au XVe siècle. Contexte – mise en oeuvre – décors, Édition Picard, Paris 2020, 361 p. [1]
      Catholic cemetery [55]
      Catholic cemetery entrance [2]
      Central Powers Agreement on the division of Balkan and Middle Eastern raw materials (Treaty of January 8, 1916) [1]
      Challenges for Torlak data collection [1]
      Changing the Linguistic Landscape: Vlach Romanian in Eastern Serbia [1]
      Chapel in the small Romanian cemetery [1]
      Chapel in the southern Romanian Orthodox cemetery [2]