Now showing items 1270-1289 of 2588

      Sabrina Ramet, The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918-2015. Woodraw Wilson Center Press with Indiana University Press, 2006, pp. xxii + 817. [1]
      Sacral Topography: Charity and Hospitals in Late Medieval Kotor [1]
      Sacred and Corruptible: the Body in Serbian Hagiography [1]
      Sahranjivanje pod humkama u Karpatsko-podunavsko-balkanskoj zoni u eneolitskom periodu [1]
      Saint Andrew Assembly in the raports of English diplomats in Belgrade [1]
      Saint Prince Lazar's opting for the Kingdom of Heaven [1]
      Saint Tryphon’s reliquary casket in Kotor: a contribution to the study of the iconography [1]
      Saints' Cults in the Central Balkans at the Time of the Ottoman Conquests [1]
      San Vincenzo Ferrer: Qualche nota sul culto del predicatore domenicano apocalittico che salva dall’eresia e dalla peste [1]
      Sanja Bošković, Kosovski kulturološki mit [Kosovo Cultural Myth]. Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2014, pp. 488 [1]
      Sanja Lazarević Radak, Na granicama Orijenta: predstave o Srbiji u engleskim i američkim putopisima između dva svetska rata. 2011. Pančevo: Mali Nemo [1]
      Satana in forma della Madonna. Serafino Razzi and the Dominican Observant Reform in Kotor [1]
      Sava Nemanjić and Serbia between Epiros and Nicaea [1]
      Science for Statecraft: the British Empire and New Sciences 1890-1920 [1]
      Scientific Meeting Rudo Polje, Karanovac, Kraljevo [1]
      Sculpture Ečka [2]
      Searching for a Viable Solution: Yugoslav and Czechoslovak Nation-Building Projects in the 1930s [1]
      Secret Knowledge : “God Gave It to Me”. Discourse of a Conjurer from Kosovo [1]
      Seervice historique de l’Armée de terre Vincennes Avec le général Piarron de Mondésir Un aller-retour de Brindisi à Valona, 18–24 décembre 1915 [1]
      Semantyka Rosji na Bałkanach [Semantics of Russia in the Balkans]. Colloquia Balkanica, Vol. 1. Ed. by Jolanta Sujecka. Warsaw: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, 2011, pp. 204 [1]