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Electric drives of the transport means from Tesla to today

dc.creatorNikolić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractJedan od osnovnih komponenata tehnološkog razvoja u 20. veku predstavlja intenzivan razvoj saobraćaja i raznih vidova transportnih sredstava. U ovom radu je prikazano kako je veliki pronalazač i vizionar, Nikola Tesla video i šta je radio na razvoju transportnih sredstava sa električnim pogonom na kopnu, železnici, u vazduhu i vodi, i kako su se ta sredstva razvijala do danas. Posebno je objašnjeno Teslino podržavanje razvoja električnih vozila (EV). Početkom 20 veka, pojavom snažnijih i robusnijih vozila pokretanih motorima sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem (SUS) razvoj EV je zapostavljen i potisnut u stranu. U našoj zemlji je proučavanje EV započeto sredinom druge polovine prošlog veka i napravljeno je više uspešnih eksperimenata. Zbog određenih prednosti koje poseduju, postoje velika očekivanja dalje primene EV. U nastavku je prikazan razvoj električnih pogona na šinskim vozilima. Mada je prvo šinsko vozilo napravljeno još 1839. godine, električni pogon šinskih vozila obeležio je drugu polovinu 20. veka. Krajem 20. veka realizovani su pogoni brzih vozova sa linearnim magnetskim poljem i magnetskom levitacijom (Maglev). Krajem 19. veka je već postojao električni pogon podmornica jednosmernim sistemom. U radu je objašnjeno Teslino zalaganje za razvoj električnih pogona najvećih brodova sa električnim pogonom, tako da je i prvi nosač aviona 1927. godine posedovao naizmenični pogon. Na nekim vrstama brodova tehničke flote kao i naftnim platformama sa dinamičkim pozicioniranjem električni pogon nije nikada napušten. Danas se skoro svi veliki putnički brodovi prave sa Azipod električnim pogonom. Za posebne namene proučavaju se i nove vrste pogona brodova i podmornica, kao što je magnetohidrodinamička (MHD). Posebna pažnja posvećena je projektima u vezi sa transportnim sredstvima u čijoj realizaciji je učestvovao Institut tehničkih nauka
dc.description.abstractOne of the main components of technological development in the 20th century represents the intensive development of transport and various types of all types of transport vehicles. This paper shows how great inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla saw and what he did to develop the means of transportation with electric drive on land, rail, air and water, and how these resources are developed to today. Tesla,s supporting of the development of electric vehicles (EV) has been special explained. In the early 20th century, with the advent of more powerful and robust vehicle driven by internal combustion engines (SUS), EV development was neglected and pushed aside. The research of EV in our country started at the middle of the second half of the last century and ever since more successful experiments was delivered. Due to certain advantages they possess, there are great expectations of pursuing the EV. Paper further presents the development of electric drives on rail vehicles. Although the first rail vehicle was made in 1839, electrically powered rail vehicles marked the second half of the 20th century. By the end of the 20th century were implemented high-speed train drives with a linear magnetic field and magnetic levitation (Maglev). At the end of the 19th century there was already electric propelled submarine with DC system. The paper explains Tesla's commitment to the development of electric drive ships with the greatest electric drive, so that the first aircraft carrier in 1927 possessed alternating drive. For some types of technical fleet ships and oil rigs with dynamic positioning, electric drive was never abandoned. Today, almost all large passenger vessels are made with Azipod electric propulsion. For the specific purposes, new type of propulsion of ships and submarines are researched, one of which is magneto hydrodynamic (MHD). Special attention is given the projects related to transport means in its realization participated Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA.en
dc.format(2016) -
dc.subjectNikola Tesla
dc.subjectelectric drive
dc.subjectelectric vehicles
dc.titleElektrični pogoni transportnih sredstava od Tesle do danassr
dc.title.alternativeElectric drives of the transport means from Tesla to todayen
dcterms.abstractНиколић, Зоран; Електрични погони транспортних средстава од Тесле до данас; Електрични погони транспортних средстава од Тесле до данас;

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