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Sanitary cordon

dc.creatorРадојичић, Драгана
dc.identifier.issn0350-0861 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2334-8259 (online)
dc.description.abstractНеизоставни чинилац развоја једне средине свакако јесте здравствена култура. Установе, мере и прописи, који су примењивани у циљу спречавања и ширења заразних болести у Боки Которској током 18. века, чине садржај овог рада. Служећи се првенствено расположивом архивском грађом, било је могуће сазнати нешто више о санитарним установама, лазаретима, здравственим колегијима, те њиховом функционисању у циљу заштите здравља становника и спречавања ширења куге и других зараза, о карантину, контумацији људи и роба.sr
dc.description.abstractOne of the primary goals of the Venetians in the 18th century was to maintain trade with Turkish markets; economic and political interests stretched out to the Middle East and the "Gulf" (the Adriatic Sea). The developments of health institutions, sanitary measures, epidemic diseases and epidemic prevention are closely connected with the development of maritime affairs sea-borne trade and economic development in general. Even before the 18th century, the Boka Kotorska Bay developed maritime affairs, preconditioned by the existence and development of health institutions. The goals of the latter were to promote a health culture and to assure free development of naval and trade activities. Infectious diseases were the main risk posed to mariners and maritime affairs; therefore, a number of legal activities were applied in order to prevent epidemics and protect the local population. Based on the rich archival materials, this paper attempts to discuss the work of health committees, quarantine hospitals (for people and merchandise), and regulations and measures administrated by the Health Civic Authorities of Venice in order to prevent epidemics and to include the total population in the process of the health culture.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Етнографски институт САНУsr
dc.relationСавремена сеоска и градска култура – путеви и трансформација, бр. 1868 / Contemporary Rural and Urban Culture - Ways of Transformation, no. 1868sr
dc.sourceГласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA
dc.subjectздравстевна култураsr
dc.subjectјадранска обалаsr
dc.subjectсанитарне мере и прописиsr
dc.subjectзаразне болестиsr
dc.subjectсузбијање епидемијеsr
dc.subjecthealth culturesr
dc.subjectAdriatic Coastsr
dc.subjectsanitary regulationssr
dc.subjectinfectious diseasessr
dc.subjectepidemic preventionsr
dc.titleСанитарни кордонsr
dc.titleSanitary cordonsr
dcterms.abstractRadojičić, Dragana; Sanitarni kordon;
dc.rights.holderЕтнографски институт САНУsr



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