Prikaz rezultata 9-28 od 38

      Music in Postsocialism: Three Decades in Retrospect [1]
      Musical practices in the Balkans: Ethnomusicological perspectives [1]
      On the margins of the musicological canon: the Generation оf Composers Petar Stojanović, Petar Krstić аnd Stanislav Binički [1]
      Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Russia and Eastern Europe [1]
      Reflections of Ecclesiastical Policy in Sacred Music: The Case of Patriarch Athanasios V - Musical Examples [1]
      Rethinking musical modernism [1]
      Serbian music stage: proceedings of the Scientific Conference held from December 15 to 18, 1993, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the National Theatre in Belgrade [1]
      Serbian Music: Yugoslav Contexts [1]
      Shaping the Present through the Future: Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Contemporaneity [1]
      Spaces of Modernism: Ljubica Marić in context [1]
      The life and work of Petar Konjovic [1]
      The phonoarchive of the Institute of the musicology SASA : historical sound records in digital era [1]
      The Tunes of Diplomatic Notes: Music and Diplomacy in Southeast Europe (18th–20th century) [1]
      Umetnost za pionire, mlade radnike i brigadire. O aktivnostima Muzičke omladine Jugoslavije (1954–1991) [1]
      Work and Activity of Mihailo Vukdragović and Marko Tajčević [1]
      Антологија или Цветословље: Свакодневно и празнично појање у осам гласова [1]
      Бела Барток и српска музика [1]
      Дело и делатност Михаила Вукдраговића и Марка Тајчевића [1]
      Живот и дело Петра Коњовића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног од 25. до 27. октобра 1983, поводом 100-годишњице композиторовог рођења [1]
      Животна и стваралачка одисеја академика Ивана Јевтића [1]