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Тranscultural Character of Eureopan Musical Avant-garde

dc.contributorМасникоса, Марија
dc.creatorМаглов, Марија
dc.description.abstractПредмет овог рада јесте разматрање феномена музичке авангарде у контексту концепта транскултуралности Волфганга Велша. Специфичности карактера европске музичке авангарде сагледане су на основу теоријских написа Мирјане Веселиновић-Хофман. У раду се заступа теза да је овај карактер у бити транскултуралан. Аргументација за ову тезу спроводи се упоредним сагледавањем Велшовог концепта транскултуралности са једне стране, и музиколошких увида Мирјане Веселиновић-Хофман у проблем авангарде, са посебним акцентом на авангарду локалног типа, са друге стране.sr
dc.description.abstractSubject of this paper is consideration of the phenomenon of musical avant-garde in the context of the concept of transculturality by German philosopher, theoretician of culture and aesthetician Wolfgang Welsch. Specifics of the character of European musical avant-garde have been understood on the basis of the theoretical insights by Serbian musicologist Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman. In the paper, statement has been made that this character is transucultural, in the way Welsch defines this problem. Actually, certain commonalities could be seen between discourses of Welsch and Veselinović-Hofman in such way that they are complementary with each other. Argumentation for the transcultural character of musical avant-garde is based precisely on this comparative reading. Thus, general problems of Welsch's theoretical thinking are firstly presented, with remarks on his notion on relations between modernity and postmodern and other problems. Transculturality has been presented as one characteristic of postmodern that has been latently present in the modernity. Secondly, Veselinović-Hofman's notion of characteristics of avant-garde in music has been presented, with emphasis on causes and preconditions of avant-garde, which are common for all avant-garde artists, regardless of the country of their origin. Since Welsch also sees commonalities that precede cultural differences, and thus make transculturality possible, this was seen as important argument for the transculturality in music. Finally, consideration of the problem of avant-garde of local type, as an original concept brought by Veselinović-Hofman, serves as most convincing argument for the statement that the character of European musical avant-garde is actually transcultural.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Катедра за музикологију, Факултет музичке уметностиsr
dc.sourceМузички идентитети и европска перспектива: Интердисциплинарни приступsr
dc.subjectмузичка авангардаsr
dc.subjectавангарда локалног типаsr
dc.subjectМирјана Веселиновић-Хофманsr
dc.subjectВолфганг Велшsr
dc.subjectmusical avant-gardesr
dc.subjectavant-garde of local typesr
dc.subjectMirjana Veselinović-Hofmansr
dc.subjectWolfgang Welschsr
dc.titleТранскултурални карактер европске музичке авангардеsr
dc.titleТranscultural Character of Eureopan Musical Avant-gardeen
dcterms.abstractMaglov, Marija; Transcultural Character of Eureopan Musical Avant-garde; Transkulturalni karakter evropske muzičke avangarde;
dc.description.otherМузиколошке студије. Електронска издања. Зборници студентских радова, св. 6/2016 Студија случаја писана у оквиру предмета Музикологија – Музички идентитети и европска перспектива: интердисциплинарни приступ, под менторством ред. проф. др Мирјане Веселиновић-Хофман, академске 2014/15. године.sr

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