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The Society of Serbian Letters and Matica srpska

dc.creatorПоповић, Исидора
dc.description.abstractРад прати односе Матице српске и Друштва српске словесности од оснивања Друштва 1841, па до његовог гашења 1864. У раду су разматране малобројне непосредне везе ове две носеће установе наци-оналне просвете и културе, као и основне сличности и разлике међу њима. У раду је настојано да се, барем делимично, одговори на питање због чега односи између ове две институције, упркос многобројним сродним делатностима, никада нису били нарочито развијени и разгранати.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper follows the relations between Matica srpska and the Society of Serbian Letters, since the Society’s establishment in 1841, up to its closing in 1864. It devotes special attention to the endeavor of Matica towards growing into an Academy of sciences, precisely at the time when the Society of Serbian Letters was being founded in Serbia, which led to these two institutions having almost identical goals at a certain point. However, due to various circumstances which have been thoroughly described in this paper, in the mentioned period, Matica srpska took the role of the cultural institution of the whole nation, whereas the Society of Serbian Letters established itself in the role of an academy of sciences, which has initially been the main goal of both organizations. The paper shows key similarities in the work of Matica srpska and the Society of Serbian Letters, as well as their common relations. It has been concluded that the continuity of these relations was maintained in the best way possible. Having in mind the similarities of the two institutions both representing Serbian national culture, it would be natural to expect that the relations between them were far more intense and developed than they truly were. Historical and political circumstances, andmostly the period of presure during Bach’s absolutism in Pest, under which Matica srpska had to function, didn’t allow these relations to further institute and deepen. However, a general conclusion is that, despite all similarities and differences, the activity of Matica srpska and the Society of Serbian Letters were mostly not doubled. Those activities were rather complementary than paralel, and such relation between Matica and the latter Society of Serbian Letters and Academy of Sciences, was preserved in the times to come, which proved to be more favorable for the development of their activities, as well as their mutual relations.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceКњижевност и језик у Друштву српске словесности
dc.subjectДруштво српске словесностиsr
dc.subjectМатица српскаsr
dc.subjectЛетопис Матице српскеsr
dc.subjectГласник Друштва српске словесностиsr
dc.titleДруштво српске словесности и Матица српскаsr
dc.titleThe Society of Serbian Letters and Matica srpskaen
dcterms.abstractPopović, Isidora; Društvo srpske slovesnosti i Matica srpska;
dc.rights.holderСрпска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови; 168sr
dc.description.otherОдељење језика и књижевности; књ. 29sr
dc.description.otherNaučni skupovi = Scientific Meetings



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