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The Sasa Dictionary As A Base For Terminological Dictionaries (On The Example Of Culinary Vocabulary)

dc.creatorСтијовић, Рада
dc.creatorСтанковић, Ранка
dc.creatorСабо, Олга
dc.description.abstractЦиљ овога рада јесте да покаже како богата и разноврсна лексичка грађа Речника САНУ може послужити за израду разноврсних терминолошких речника (овде на примеру речника кулинарства) и како се процесом дигитализације Речник може обогатити, осавременити и како се рад на њему може убрзати.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper discusses the possibility of creating culinary vocabulary based on the culinary lexis contained in the SASA Dictionary of Serbo-Croatian Literary and National Language, which is built as a thesaurus. To obtain the relevant data, it was necessary to find a method of extracting this lexicon, given that unlike most other areas of terminology, it is not systematically labelled with appropriate qualifiers. As a starting point, we used a digitized version of Chef Katarina Popovic Mid.ine fs Big Serbian Cookbook (processed using the Unitex tool and morphological dictionaries for the Serbian language in DELA format). After this we applied the Leximir tool to extract a list of the lemma frequencies in the cookbook, which were then filtered and classified by applying semantic markers. The obtained list was compared to the list of the lexical entries in the SASA dictionary; the extracted entries from the dictionary that have no information about the culinary domain should be amended, and words that do not exist in the dictionary should be entered. In this research syntactic graphs are also used for the extraction of multiword lexical units which are allocated to the frequency of terms that are significantly more frequent in a culinary text than in the corpus of contemporary Serbian language. Using this approach, we were able to identify an extremely rich collection of terms for the culinary lexicon contained in the SASA Dictionary and to show how during the digitization process traditional vocabulary becomes a base for terminology dictionaries that allows different uses. In addition, the process of the digitalization and modernization of work on the SASA Dictionary ensures its enrichment with new, modern lexica and new examples, and thus accelerates work on the SASA Dictionary.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за српски језик САНУsr
dc.sourceСловенска терминологија данасsr
dc.subjectтерминолошки речнициsr
dc.subjectкулинарска лексикаsr
dc.subjectSANU Dictionaryср
dc.subjectterminological dictionariesср
dc.subjectculinary lexiconср
dc.titleРечник САНУ као база терминолошких речника : на примеру речника кулинарстваsr
dc.titleThe Sasa Dictionary As A Base For Terminological Dictionaries (On The Example Of Culinary Vocabulary)en
dcterms.abstractStijović, Rada; Sabo, Olga; Stanković, Ranka; Rečnik SANU kao baza terminoloških rečnika : na primeru rečnika kulinarstva;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 157. Одељење језика и књижевности ; књ. 28sr

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