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Balkan Horizons of Vladan Đorđević

dc.contributorКнежевић, Зоран
dc.contributorЧоловић, Радоје
dc.contributorРадојевић, Мира
dc.contributorДелић, Јован
dc.creatorТерзић, Славенко
dc.description.abstractРад садржи анализу историографско-мемоарског дела Владана Ђорђевића које се тиче историје Балкана и његових главних цивилизацијских токова. Изнет је синтетички преглед мањих и већих Ђорђевићевих студија и прилога са посебним освртом на његова виђења балканских прилика за време посланичке дужности у Атини и Цариграду. Рад такође доноси кратак преглед неколицине Ђорђевићевих студија из оквира планираног вишетомног дела под насловом Европа и Балкан – дипломатска историја балканских хришћанских држава у XVIII и XIX веку. Ђорђевићева сведочанства из времена боравка у Атини и Цариграду у последњој деценији 19. века пружају уверљиву слику политичких, друштвених и културних прилика на Балкану, али и преглед најважнијих питања која су стајала пред Краљевином Србијом крајем 19. века.sr
dc.description.abstractVladan Đorđević belongs to the circle of Serbian historical figures from the second half of the 19th and the early 20th century, who left behind a visible trace in the political, social and cultural history of Serbia. Being very engaged in the first period of his life until 1903, in a num ber of fields, from medicine and literature to politics and diplomacy, Đorđević dedicated the second part of his life up to 1930 to writing historical and memoir works. He wrote a number of useful works that belonged to a broadly planned corpus entitled Evropa i Balkan – diplomatska istorija balkanskih hrišćanskih država u XVIII i XIX veku (Europe and the Balkans – A Diplomatic History of the Balkan Christian States in the 18th and the 19th Century). To this corpus belong the works Evropa i Rumunija (Europe and Romania) and three volumes of the book Evropa i Crna Gora (Europe and Montenegro). The main goal of Đorđević’s analyses is to show how inciting and destructive role the great powers had in various historical eras. He held that the answer to the imperial policy of the great powers should be unity and alliance among the Balkan states – Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey. According to him, Constantinople was supposed to be the capital of that alliance. Đorđević’s testimonies from Athens and Constantinople are very valuable. In Athens, he tried to conclude an agreement with Greece on the spheres of interest of the two countries in Macedonia. He pointed to the fact that the Serbs were lagging far behind their rivals, the Greeks and the Bulgarians, in terms of educational, cultural and national work in Old Serbia and Macedonia. He emphasized the narrow-mindedness of the Patriarchate of Constantinople towards the Serbian demands for the appointment of Serbs as bishops in Prizren and Skopje, believing that a possible way out could be the renewal of the Patriarchate of Peć. During his stay in Athens and Constantinople Vladan Đorđević studied the political, social, and cultural life of the countries in which he resided. His view of those circum stances is a valuable contribution to the perception of Balkan society and the Balkan political space. Either as a participant or as a witness, Vladan Đorđević reacted to some important events that largely determined the history of Serbia and the Balkans. Such are his contributions on the Berlin Congress, Serbian-Turkish War, Austro-Hungarian policy in the Balkans, and the Albanian Question. Vladan Đorđević’s historical and memoir works constitute a very useful contribution to the study of Serbian history and the history of the Balkans.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceВладан Ђорђевић : поводом сто седамдесет шест година од рођења = Vladan Đorđević : on the occasion of the 176th anniversary of his birthsr
dc.subjectВладан Ђорђевићsr
dc.subjectПећка патријаршијаsr
dc.subjectСтара Србијаsr
dc.subjectЦариградска патријаршијаsr
dc.subjectбалканско питањеsr
dc.subjectбалкански савезsr
dc.subjectЦрна Гораsr
dc.subjectкраљ Александар Обреновићsr
dc.titleБалкански хоризонти Владана Ђорђевићаsr
dc.titleBalkan Horizons of Vladan Đorđevićsr
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд ; књ. 189. Председништво ; књ. 14.sr



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