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Stojan Novaković's Balkan studies

dc.contributorВојводић, Михаило
dc.contributorKостић, Aлександар
dc.creatorТерзић, Славенко
dc.description.abstractРад се бави политичким, културним и књижевно-историјским проблемима историје Балкана у научном делу Стојана Новаковића. Хронолошки обухвата период XIX и почетка XX века, али и неким временски удаљеније историјске феномене. Балканске прилике Новаковић је сагледавао пре свега као научник енциклопедијског образовања, али и као државник и дипломата који је вршио важне државне послове последњих деценија XIX и почетком XX века. Посебну пажњу Новаковић је посветио грчким и бугарским студијама. Широка историјска знања омогућила су му да као државник дубље и шире разуме савремене политичке и друштвене појаве. Међу српским научницима и државницима, Стојан Новаковић се истиче изузетним познавањем балканских питања. При свој сложености политичких и националних спорова, Новаковић је остао у оквирима разумних и трезвених судова о балканским проблемима.sr
dc.description.abstractAs one of the leading Serbian scholars and statesmen, Stojan Novaković, both because of his official duty and because of his scholarly curiosity, was carefully monitoring historical processes in the Balkans during previous centuries, and especially during the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. In several of his works, Novaković was criticizing nearsightedness of Serbian statesmen, who were not paying attention to position of Serbs in their ancient, native regions. In his numerous historical-political and travelogue studies, Novaković was focusing on confrontation of Serbian, Greek and Bulgarian national programs in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. By analyzing this complex Balkan knot, Novaković came to the conclusion that Bulgarians were the main Serbian rival in Macedonia, and that Greeks could be Serbian allies if they reduced their aspirations to a reasonable level. Although in Greeks he saw Serbs’ natural ally in the Balkans, Novaković was still very critical of their national aspirations and their ideological basis. In spite of great complexity of political and national disputes, Novaković remained within limits of reasonable and sober judgements on Balkan issues. Even during his first tenure in Istanbul (1886–1891), Novaković noticed the role of the Albanian factor in the Balkans, pointing out that ˝there are planned activities on destroying the Serbian element in the Old Serbia, with the aim of having purely Albanian population there˝. Novaković disliked the possibility of Albanian autonomy on the territory of Old Serbia, which would greatly jeopardize Serbian national aspirations towards South. In Novaković’s shorter or longer historical-travelogue studies, one can notice frequent parallels between events of the late Middle Ages and of the 19th century. His broad historical knowledge helped him recognize traces and sings of the past times in some modern aspects of folk tradition of the Balkan people. In those studies, there are some interesting points of ethnographical nature. The analysis of the Balkan political mentality, deep understanding of character of the Balkan nations. Stojan Novaković understood historical background and modern characteristics of complex Balkan issues better than any other Serbian scholar or statesman. In these studies interesting facts of ethnographic character can be found, analysis of Balkan political mentality and getting through the character traits of the
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceСтојан Новаковић : поводом сто седамдесет пет година од рођењаsr
dc.subjectСтојан Новаковићsr
dc.subjectбалканско питањеsr
dc.subjectмакедонско питањеsr
dc.subjectетнографски споровиsr
dc.subjectЦариградска патријаршијаsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectStojan Novakovićsr
dc.subjectBalkan questionsr
dc.titleБалканске студије Стојана Новаковићаsr
dc.titleStojan Novaković's Balkan studiessr
dcterms.abstractTerzić, Slavenko; Balkanske studije Stojana Novakovića; Стојан Новаковић'с Балкан студиес; Стојан Новаковић'с Балкан студиес;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 172. Председништво ; књ. 11sr

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