Приказ резултата 1313-1332 од 21526

      Ceramics, materials, microelectronics and graph theory new frontiers [2]
      Certain Circumstances in the Orthodox Church in the Byzantine World in the Epoch of the Foundation of the Archbishopric of All Serbian and Maritime Lands in 1219. Contribution to the study [1]
      Certain microsyntactic constructions in Russian which include the word čto as a constituent element [1]
      Cesium removal from aqueous solution by natural mineral clinoptilolite [1]
      Challenges and difficulties in the field research of the Gorani community in Belgrade [1]
      Challenges and obstacles to the gendering of Serbian institutions and public policies [1]
      Challenges and perspectives of archiving music and dance of migrant communities in Serbia [1]
      Challenges for Torlak data collection [1]
      Challenges in drinking water supply of rural mountain areas [1]
      Challenges in Sustainable Use of Lithium for Highly Innovative Final Products Created and Made in Serbia with EU Environmental Standards [2]
      Challenges of computer science teachers’ preparation: a global perspective [1]
      Challenges of Lifelong Learning in Serbia: An Anthropological Perspective on Insufficient Participation of Women and Rural Populations in Lifelong Learning Programs [1]
      Challenges of torrential flood risk management in Serbia [1]
      Changement de la reequenle elementaire dans les mots dissyllabes avec l'accent deslendant long [1]
      Changes in Annual Customs in the Villages Underneath the Avala Mountain [1]
      Changes in long-term properties and natural cycles of the Danube river level and flow induced by damming [2]
      Changes in Regional Development of Vojvodina as a Consequences of Transition Processes [1]
      Changes in Relatives Relations Due to Death of Family Member [1]
      Changes in Storage Properties of Hydrides Induced by Ion Irradiation [1]
      Changes in the structure of the social elite after the epoch of Basileios II [1]